Thursday, March 6, 2008

Captain Chai

In the sober, well-intentioned 90s, a whole culture developed around coffee and coffee shops. At the same time, environmental consciousness increased throughout the country. A cartoon show called Captain Planet tapped into the latter trend. The five members on the Earth-saving team led by the eponymous captain represented different elements of life, each integral to a healthy, balanced planet: earth, fire, wind, water, and heart. In times of trouble, the teammates would chant their powers and then shout "With our powers combined..." The implication was that together, they could achieve anything.

Chai latte is awesome for the same reason that Captain Planet was awesome: it's a mixture of the three integral elements of life (caffeine, sugar, and milk), all in one hot mug.

It packs a punch, all right. The only other substance with a similar kapow is chocolate, but they serve different circumstances-- chai is helpful for times when you need energy, chocolate for when you're feeling more relaxed.

I only started drinking chai when consuming caffeine became integral to staying awake at my old office job. Chai latte was a beverage I could feel good paying for at a coffee shop since ostensibly it requires some talent on the part of the barista, unlike plain old tea.

This turned out to be a boon socially, as well. While I rarely used to visit coffee shops on my own, I found myself "stopping in really quick" with friends, practically all of whom consume multiple cups daily. Once I discovered chai, I didn't have to stand there empty handed while they sucked down their steaming beverages.

Now I'm addicted to the powerful burst of energy chai gives me. Sometimes I have to keep myself from whispering into my mug, "With our powers combined..."

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