Tuesday, August 26, 2008


These guys-- who are in pretty good shape, it seems to me-- recreated five Olympic events and competed against each other:

Not only is it amazing to see how they compare to actual Olympians, their video provides inspiration to try this stuff myself (except the hurdles-- I tore my ACL jumping over a hurdle in 9th grade). Why is it that exercise seems more fun when I set up challenges, especially competition, for myself? I enjoy the track workouts I've been doing (basic speed intervals) exponentially more than the long runs required for marathon training, which get so boring. I enjoy Pilates classes more than just stretching on a mat. Even the old Presidential Fitness tests in school got me going-- I ran my fastest mile ever during a presidential fitness test run in high school (although I admit I don't often run timed miles on the track at my fastest possible speed). Anyway, this is a concept many espouse but clearly works for me: specific challenges inspire greater results.

Now I just need to find a friend foolhardy enough to be my teammate/competition.


David H said...

I'll bet you wouldn't find your long run boring if it includes that hill on Walter Reed Dr. that starts at Four Mile Run.

I think it's called "Superman Hill."

Or the stairs coming up to Georgetown U just across from Key Bridge.

Challenge issued.

Sara said...

Dang! You're making me live up to my own theories (and potential?).

P.S. Aren't those the Exorcist stairs?

David H said...

Uh, yeah, those are the Exorcist stairs. On second thought, don't run up those. The hill up to Georgetown U Hospital from M/Canal Street is challenging enough. Walking, that is. I need to get it in gear to start running one of these days.

That one on Walter Reed though--I had trouble getting up it in my car.

Oh and the swimming part of this video is hilarious.