Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Writers and Animals

My name is Sara, and I have a cat.

I talk about him quite a bit more than is considered polite, treating him in conversation and life as if he were a person, although I am quite aware from the fur covering my apartment, car upholstery and nasal passages that he is, indeed, an animal.

Just because I have a cat (or, for the righteous among you, a cat has me) doesn't mean I love all cats. But I do get a kick out of certain websites related to cats, and recently I've noticed that all of my newly discovered cat websites, including this one and this one*, have been recommendations from writers like him and her.

I here present to you my latest deep question of the universe:

Do writers love their pets more than the average person (perhaps because, if they are home writing, they spend more time with them than those of us who die slow deaths in, ahem, offices)? Or do they just have more time to search out pet-related websites (because they are home writing) and publish them on their blogs/personal websites (that they are tending to while procrastinating, perhaps, on "real" writing)?

*Although I visit these sites, I do not recommend them to everyone, or at least not to anyone unwilling to view the pictures posted with either complete irony or a complete lack thereof.

1 comment:

David H said...

oh and pets are good for writers because it's a purer communication, I think? no worries about getting every word right or saying the wrong thing when you're throwing the frisbee to a happy dog or watching the cat bat a ball of string? balance.